Work on Carlsbad School Facility Could Launch This Fall

Although an exact schedule has not yet been announced, construction of a new high school performing arts center in Carlsbad could begin later this year.

The new center, which is expected to seat up to 1,100 people, will be part of the Carlsbad High School, located at 3000 W. Church Street.

As planned, the facility will include space for individual choir, band, dance, and practice rooms, along with a prop dock and spacious main lobby.

The project is being funded out of an $80 million facilities bond approved by Carlsbad voters in November of 2019 that is also targeting a number of district school building construction and upgrade projects.

District officials have said that the new performing arts center, which is included in phase one of the bond project planning, is needed in order to meeting current performance and school curriculum needs.

Design work on the new facility is expected to be completed in a matter of weeks.

With more than 1,600 students, Carlsbad High School comprises nine separate buildings situated on a large campus.

​By Garry Boulard

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