Plans are moving forward for the construction of a pedestrian sky bridge that will cross over a series of railroad tracks in downtown Albuquerque.
As envisioned, the Rail Trail Sky Bridge project will go up between Tijeras Avenue and Marquette Avenue and will also see the building of a public plaza at the city’s Springer Square.
The project could, according to its supporters, additionally see the construction of up to 140 hotel rooms or residential units on adjacent tracts of land.
Long in the concept phase, the plan earlier this month won the approval of the Albuquerque City Council.
In a statement, Mayor Tim Keller said the sky bridge is “more than a bridge over the tracks; it connects two historically and economically divided parts of our city core and paves the way for expanded downtown placemaking.”
According to city documents, the project is particularly designed to increase “livability and accessibility in the area through construction of spaces for commerce, hospitality, and residential living.”
Additionally providing a connection to the city’s Convention Center, the project will also see the construction of an elevator inside in the center’s parking structure, along with an additional elevator and stairway adjacent to the plaza itself.
The $6 million project is being spearheaded by the city’s Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency in a partnership with the Santa Fe-based Zydeco 66 development company.
Work on the project could begin either later this year or early next year and is expected to take around 12 months to complete.
By Garry Boulard