In July under 300 individual border crossing projects are making up the most recent capital improvement program just approved by the El Paso City Council.
Nearly $43.million, comprising what is officially called the International Bridges Capital Improvement Program, will go for upgrade infrastructure and improving traffic flow projects.
The list includes a very big $32 million for both off-system and on-system Intelligent Transportation System work at the Ysleta Port of Entry, along with $650,000 for toll booth improvements there; and more than $1.2 million for general Americans with Disabilities Act-compliance work.
Exactly $750,000 is budgeted for the redesign of a pick-up area at Ysleta; with another $750,000 slated for Ysleta pedestrian improvements.
The program is designed to take in all the border crossing facility needs between next year and 2026, and also includes $5 million that will fund a Ysleta port expansion and modernization feasibility study.
Funding for the capital improvement program is coming partly through toll revenues of $42.8 million, and some $32 million provided by the State of Texas.
The Ysleta Port of Entry was originally built in 1938. An extensive rebuilding in 1990 saw the construction of the current border inspection station.
In June, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Ysleta accommodated just over 76,500 pedestrians, 325,000 personal vehicles, and 56,000 trucks.
By Garry Boulard