Continuing to meet with legislative leaders from both parties, President Biden is said to be open to Republican suggestions to pare down his more than $2.3 trillion infrastructure report.
According to reports, the President is entertaining an alternative proposal put forth by West Virginia Senator Shelly Moore Capito calling for a $568 billion bill that would include just under $300 billion for road and bridge upgrades and construction.
The smaller bill also includes roughly $44 billion fir airport infrastructure projects.
The timeline for the competing infrastructure proposals is also different with the White House asking for an eight-year spending schedule that would also include funding for affordable housing and electric vehicles, among other priorities.
The Capito proposal would have a 5-year timeline.
Capito, who is the ranking member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, told reporters after meeting with Biden, adding: “It feels like we’re moving and we’re moving forward.”
The President earlier said he is amenable to alternative infrastructure proposals, but said lawmakers had to meet him half way.
If those proposals add up to “one-fourth or one-fifth of what I’m asking,” Biden added, “then it’s a no-go for me.”
By Garry Boulard