Big Eastern New Mexico Water Pipeline Gets Large Funding

Work is expected to accelerate on the construction of a long-planned water pipeline in eastern New Mexico.

The project, scheduled to receive $160 million in federal funding, is centered on the extension of a water pipeline from the Ute Reservoir to various communities near the Texas state line.

What is officially called the Eastern New Mexico Rural Water Project encompasses up to 120 miles of pipeline, along with three pump stations.

The project additionally includes the construction of a treatment plant.

By design, the pipeline will carry potable water to the towns of Texico, Portales, and Elida. A segment of the project connecting the reservoir to the city of Clovis as well as the Cannon Air Force Base has already been completed.

The project will allow for the water to be used for commercial, industrial, and municipal purposes from the Ute Reservoir’s renewable water supply.

Federal funding is coming through the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and is now thought to be enough to speed up the schedule for the project, leading to its overall completion most likely in 2027 or 2028.

Nearly $21 million in funding for the project has come from the Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority, which is spearheading the effort.

Altogether, ENMWUA has announced a total of $228 million in funding for the project through a combination of federal, state, and local sources.

Some of the money coming out of Washington is coming through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act legislation which was passed by Congress late last year.

Water from the Ute Reservoir will replace the current groundwater supplies coming through the Ogallala Aquifer, which stretches from the Dakotas to New Mexico.

​By Garry Boulard

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