Colorado Parks Get Funding for a Variety of Infrastructure PRojects

A project designed to increase pier accessibility in a state park in Colorado is receiving just over $23,500 in funding from a popular state grants program.

The Stalker Lake State Wildlife Area in northeast Colorado is getting the support from the Great Outdoors Colorado program, working in conjunction with the Colorado Parks and Wildlife department.

The project will see the construction of a concrete walkway that will lead to a fishing pier on the Stalker Lake’s south shore.

As it now stands, wheelchair accessible fishing is only available at the top of a concrete dam that is part of the lake. The grant will fund not only the walkway but also a shade shelter as well as a new parking area.  

The Stalker Lake project is one of a handful of projects being recognized by the two agencies not only for promoting outdoor activity, but also adopting innovative solutions to park facility challenges.

A beautification project in the Jackson Lake State Park in Orchard City has secured nearly $24,000 in grant funding for new signage. A total of 260 new markers composed of recycled materials will be installed across the park’s spacious campgrounds, with information printed in multiple languages.

A new ice rink is set to be built at the Yampa River State Park in the town of Hayden. The project, receiving some $12,340 in grant funding, will replace the current makeshift rink made up largely of wooden frames.

If all goes according to plans, the new rink will be built on one of the park’s parking lots and should be ready for skaters late this year.

A unique program in its design, the Great Outdoors Colorado annually uses a portion of proceeds for the Colorado Lottery for any number of park infrastructure projects. In the last three decades the program has funded more than 5,300 individual projects across the state.

By Garry Boulard

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