el paso set to continue wide array of park projects

Although the new fiscal year budget for the City of El Paso is expected to be roughly $70 million less than the current budget, funding for over a dozen park facility projects will remain in place.

That’s because the money is still coming from the unprecedentedly large $473 million Quality of Life bonds passed by El Paso voters in 2012.

In the nearly eight years since that election, those bonds have been used to pay for any number of recreational and cultural facility construction and renovation projects across the city.

Now, according to the proposed 2021 fiscal year budget, just over $26 million in Quality of Life bonds will go for long-planned park facility building and upgrade projects.

Listed in the new budget under the heading of “exceptional recreational, cultural and educational opportunities,” the projects include improvements to the Brisa del Este Park, the Crestmont Park, the Haddox Family Park, the North Skies Park, and the Pueblo Viejo Park.

The Newman Park is expected to see the construction of a large metal canopy; while the Joey Barazza and Vino Park Memorial will get a new modular play structure.

Work at the Eastside Regional Park will include the construction of a water oasis facility, new recreation center, and 50-meter pool.

Additional Qualify of Life bond projects planned for the upcoming fiscal year include library, museum, and zoo facility upgrades. 

By Garry Boulard

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