funding effort next step in building new parking garage in downtown las cruces

The first challenge for city leaders in Las Cruces was spurring activity in what was becoming an increasingly abandoned downtown area during the evening hours and weekends.

A comprehensive downtown development plan adopted by the city and the opening of a number of new retail spaces and restaurants has gone a long way in addressing that issue.

Now what to do about the lack of parking space for people enjoying the revitalized downtown?

For some time city officials have been looking at building a new downtown parking garage. As envisioned, that project would go up on city-owned land, most likely at the corner of Church Street and Griggs Avenue.

Built to accommodate up to 400 vehicles, the new garage will also have a ground floor with some space designated for retail purposes.

Moving what is anticipated to be a $19 million project forward, Las Cruces has now been slated to receive $2 million in funding passed during the recent spring session of the New Mexico State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.

That appropriation will be added to another $2 million in funding the city has set aside for the project.

City officials say an effort will be undertaken to secure additional funding from different sources once the planning for the project is more fully developed.

By Garry Boulard

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