That corridor, running along the city’s Coffman Street, and extending from 1st Avenue at the south end and 9th Avenue on the north, will see the creation of not just a transit line, with two transfer stations, but also a bicycle route and increased parking space.
A route lined with trees and historic one and two-story residences and commercial structures, Coffman Street has long been seen by Longmont officials as the perfect space for the city’s first multimodal corridor.
The outlines of the corridor were initially presented in a document called Envision Longmont, a comprehensive multimodal master plan that was subsequently adopted by the Longmont City Council in 2016.
In looking for a consulting team to develop the final design for Coffman Street Busway corridor, the city hopes to see that design phase completed by the end of next year, with work on the nearly $7 million project beginning shortly afterwards.
By Garry Boulard