new housing project in the offing for increasingly thriving downtown phoenix

The City of Phoenix is expected to issue a Request for Proposals later this summer for the construction of a new downtown mixed-use project.

That project would go up off Seventh Avenue, between Grand Avenue and Polk Street, and could include housing, commercial, and restaurant space.

According to reports, nearly a third of the residential space for the new project would be dedicated to affordable or workforce housing.

Another segment of the project measuring around 30,000 square feet will go for veterans community support services. That’s because, if the project becomes reality, an existing one-story American Legion Post will have to first be demolished.

Officials with the Luke-Greenway American Legion Post 1 have indicated their willingness to work with the city on both the demolition of the facility, as well as the construction of the new housing development.

Before any action can be taken regarding the new project, members of the Phoenix City Council must first vote on demolishing the nearly 100 year-old American Legion building.

That vote is expected to be taken later this month.

By Garry Boulard

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