New Mexico Junior College May Build Student Center

Plans are advancing for the construction of a student center on the Hobbs campus of New Mexico Junior College.

To be called The Hub, the structure is expected to measure around 10,800 square feet, and would house meeting rooms, study rooms, a coffee shop, game room, and a mail room, among other amenities.

According to NMJC documents, the center will most likely be built within the school’s Student Housing Complex, and could cost around $9.7 million to complete.

The project has been discussed by members of NMJC’s Facilities Committee, and remains to be  included as part of the school’s Campus Master Plan. Once that’s done, the project will be submitted to a hearing of the Capital Outlay Committee, which is a part of the state’s Higher Education Department.

The student center project is being viewed as a way to attract more students from the school’s southeastern New Mexico and western Texas enrollment base.

The school, located at 5317 Lovington Highway, currently has an enrollment of around 3,000 students.

​By Garry Boulard

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