New  Training  Center  Set  To  Be  Built  By  The  University  Of  New  Mexico

Work may begin by summer on the construction of a new $3.5 million University of New Mexico athletic training facility.

The New Mexico Champions Training Center will be located inside the school’s University Stadium beyond the south end zone and is expected to measure anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 square feet.

Designed to provide training space and equipment for all of the school’s 18 athletic programs, the center will also allow for more efficient rehabilitation services.

Long planned, the facility will replace a tented structure measuring some 8,000 square feet where services have often been limited depending upon the weather.

That tented facility is located adjacent to the Maloof Administration Building and the Estes Tennis Center at the south end of the school’s south campus.

Funding for the center has been partially secured through a $1 million gift from the insurance company New Mexico Mutual.

If all goes according to plans, the center is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

By Garry Boulard

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