albuquerque moving to complete big road widening project

The City of Albuquerque has issued a Request for Proposals for the long-planned widening of a major thoroughfare on the west side of the city.

The RFP is specifically looking for engineering consultants for the widening of a section of Unser Boulevard.

The project, with a length of 2.7 miles, will extend from Kimmick Drive NW to Paradise Boulevard NW, and will see the construction of two additional driving lanes.

Also included: the building of new bicycle and multi-use trail facilities, medians, and lighting.

What is expected to ultimately be a $29 million project will be funded through a combination of both local and state resources.

To be administered by the New Mexico Department of Transportation, the Unser widening project will also see the creation of new landscaping infrastructure.

Built in the late 1980s, Unser Boulevard is used by an estimated 20,000 vehicles a daily, making it one of the busiest avenues in metro Albuquerque.

The RFP has a submission deadline of July 23.

By Garry Boulard

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