eastern new mexico university at roswell wants new physical plant

A series of Quonset huts built in the mid-1950s may finally be nearing their end as school officials at the Roswell campus of Eastern New Mexico University make plans for a modern $5.2 million single building replacement.

Those huts, off of East Cummings Loop on the north side of the Roswell campus, were built as a part of the then-thriving Walker Air Force Base, which ultimately was closed for budget reasons in the summer of 1967.

According to school officials, those structures in recent years have been challenged with a number of environmental and safety issues.

Current plans call for the new replacement steel physical plant and facilities maintenance building to measure 14,350 square feet. A construction schedule has not yet been announced.

Established in 1958, the Roswell campus of NMSU has an enrollment of around 2,600 students. 

By Garry Boulard

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