neglected park pavilion in colorado springs to be renovated

An aging, under-used wooden pavilion inside a popular running park in south Colorado Springs may soon be getting a thorough renovation.

The Leon Young Picnic Pavilion was built in 1976 and is named in honor or the man who was the first African-American mayor of Colorado Springs, as well as a long-time city leader.

Located inside the 12-acre South Shooks Run Park at the southeast corner of E. Fountain Boulevard and South Corona Street, the pavilion has been in decline for more than a decade.

But now city officials have responded to an effort waged by area residents to update and renovate the structure.

A Request for Proposal has since been issued calling for ideas on how to bring the pavilion back to life.

City officials say any rehabilitation project will have to be done along Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines, and will include both new lighting and an access walk.

The project, which is expected to take around three months to complete, will be paid for through federal Community Development Block grant funds.

By Garry Boulard

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