new footbridge set for construction in durango

A project that has been in the talking stage for the better part of a decade in Durango, Colorado could well see construction beginning by early summer.

The Animas River Trail Pedestrian Bridge would cross over the Animas River, which runs north to south through the city.

Although the current vehicular bridge spanning the river has walkways on both sides, the pedestrian bridge would be specifically designed for pedestrians to connect with walking trails at either end of the bridge.

As proposed, the structure would cost at least $4.1 million to build, with some $200,000 of that figure being funded through the Great Outdoors Colorado program, which uses revenue from the state’s lottery to pay for any number of park, trail, and outdoor facility projects.

City officials have determined that the pedestrian bridge should be built adjacent to the existing vehicular bridge, but at a higher level.

But pubic responses to the suggested design have been mostly negative. An informal online poll conducted by the Durango Herald revealed that 88 percent of respondents are opposed to the project as currently proposed.

Additional public input meetings are scheduled to be held on the project in the weeks ahead.

​By Garry Boulard

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