New Mixed-Use Project Proposed for Albuquerque’s Unique International District

A group devoted to increasing economic opportunities and business incubation in a changing section of Albuquerque has announced plans to spearhead the construction of a new mixed-use project.

As currently planned, the project in the city’s International District would see the construction of a dozen studio apartments, as well as an equal number of retail spaces for small businesses.

The International District Economic Development Center, launched in late 2019, hopes to see the project go up at 1000 San Mateo Boulevard, just to the south of Zuni Road.

With an estimated $3 to $4 million price tag, the project will be built at the site of a food truck park, officially called Food Hub ABQ.

That park, organized by the development center, will become a permanent part of the new mixed-use site.

Work on the project could begin next summer, with initial units ready for rent by late 2022.

At the time of its late 2019 unveiling, the International District Economic Development Center, at a cost of $70,000, had purchased and renovated an existing commercial structure at 111 Wyoming Boulevard to serve as its offices.

​By Garry Boulard

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