Next Phase of Project to Expand I-10 in El Paso Soon to Be Underway

A public input meeting will be held this week in El Paso regarding a proposed massive $750 million project that could substantially change the contours and scope of Interstate 10 as it slices through the city.

What is popularly known as the “Reimagine I-10” project, as proposed by the Texas Department of Transportation, generally encompasses some 55 miles of highway in metro El Paso.

The downtown part of the project that could eventually lead to the demolition of more than two dozen commercial and residential structures spans nearly 6 miles.

The project, now set to be the focus of an environmental impact study, has been in the talking and planning stage for nearly four years. That study will come in the form of an environmental impact statement designed to document the need for the project, possible alternatives to it, and the overall impact on the environment.

How long the study will take is not known, although some published sources have hinted that work on the project could begin in 2027.

Transportation officials have said that a reconfiguration of I-10 in El Paso is needed in response to an urban traffic volume on the highway that has increased by 34% in the last decade and is projected to exceed 400,000 vehicles daily in the next two decades.

The public input meeting is set for Wednesday, November 30 at 4 p.m. in the Juarez Room of the Judson F. Williams Convention Center.

​By Garry Boulard

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