Out of State Company May Spend $33 Million Updating Colorado Springs Facility

A 60,000 square foot commercial space in Colorado Springs may see a significant renovation and upgrade if members of the city council vote in April to approve an economic development agreement.

That agreement between the City of Colorado Springs and a yet unnamed company will pave the way for an effort that could result in around 70 new jobs, as well as a possible $33 million upgrade of the facility in question.

To date, the mysterious project has received nearly $763,200 in economic incentives awarded by the economic development commission that is a part of the Colorado Office of Economic Development and Trade.

An additional package of well over $202,000 in economic incentives for the project has been awarded by the City of Colorado Springs.

The project has been referenced as “Project Jade,” with the company in question also looking at possible locations in California and Florida.

​By Garry Boulard

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