Plans Moving Forward for Construction of Large Solar Farm in Belen

A new solar farm with photovoltaic solar arrays capable of producing up to 190 megawatts of solar energy may soon be going up on the north side of Belen.

The project will belong to Sky Ranch Solar, a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources, and is set to be built to the west of Interstate 25 and south of El Cerro de Los Lunas.

The specific 1,600-acre site is located within the city’s sprawling 6,000-acre Rancho Cielo master planned community.

Members of the Belen City Council have agreed to begin the process of awarding a $273 million Industrial Revenue Bond to get the project going.

As planned, the solar farm will also feature a combined 100 megawatts of battery energy storage.

The final contours of what the solar farm will look like are expected to be determined in talks between Belen and NextEra officials.

Work building the Sky Ranch solar project could begin early next year, with a rough completion date of late 2022.

By Garry Boulard

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