Proposed  Santa  Fe  Housing  Project  Still  Viable

A project in Santa Fe that will see the construction of just over 140 new apartment units is moving forward, despite a decision made in March by a city commission to reject it.

As planned, the Escarpa Apartments would go up on some 3 acres at the Santa Fe Place Mall.

Members of the Santa Fe Planning Commission, questioning the placing of a sidewalk adjacent to the planned building, as well as the number of designated parking spaces, voted to turn the project down last month.

But now that same body has decided to rescind that earlier decision, noting that the design for the project could advance with commission members merely spelling out the conditions for a final approval.

The developer, Santa Fe Mall Property, has indicated that it will address those conditions and/or concerns during the commission’s next meeting on April 15.

As proposed, the new apartment building would measure just over 161,000 square feet.

According to city documents, plans call for the construction of a four-story building that will include a fitness center, lounge space, courtyard, and units ranging in size from studios to one and two bedrooms.

By Garry Boulard

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