Regional Leaders Want More Leverage with New Infrastructure Bill

Regional government officials are hoping that the massive infrastructure bill now nearing a vote in Congress will allow for greater flexibility in prioritizing area transportation projects.

So says a new report just issued by the Brookings Institute, which, based on interviews with regional leaders across the country, notes that previous federal infrastructure initiatives have often been too restrictive in what projects are ultimately selected for funding.

Noting that most regional leaders “already coordinate with each other on infrastructure and economic development planning,” the Brookings report suggests that Congress and interested federal agencies should “work together to help communities bundle federal funding to grow these efforts.”

The survey also indicates that nearly half of the regional leaders questioned said “outdated funding priorities” have frustrated their previous infrastructure efforts, with 35% complaining that funding pathways “rarely reach regions and localities.”

Just under 30% of the respondents pointed to climate resilience and environment justice as their primary infrastructure funding priority, followed by 24% who picked the expansion of broadband.

While not denying the huge impact that federal funding has had on regional infrastructure projects, the Brookings report nevertheless adds that Washington should begin a series of talks with regional leaders in order to explore “how new rules can support long-range regional goals and allow metropolitan leaders to coordinate multiple federal funding flows.”

President Biden and a group of bipartisan lawmakers have tentatively agreed to push for a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, with the Senate expected to vote on the legislation early next month.

​By Garry Boulard

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