Southeast El Paso County May See Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Projects, Depending Upon May Bond Election

El Paso County voters have just a little over two more weeks before deciding whether to improve a $35 million bond for a variety of water facility upgrade and construction projects.

The bond is specific to the Lower Valley Water District, which is based in the town of Clint and provides solid waste, water, and wastewater services to residents in southeast El Paso County.

The district, with an operating budget last year of just under $27 million, spans a mixed urban and rural 210-square mile area that includes the city of Socorro, as well as the town of Clint and community of San Elizario.

Planned projects in the district include a water line extension on the north side of Gateway West Boulevard, some 3 miles to the southeast of El Paso; new sewer service infrastructure in Socorro; and the construction of a new lift station and gravity line at the intersection of North Loop Drive and Clint Road in Clint.

Established in May 1985 by a vote of the Texas State Legislature, the Lower Valley Water District serves not only two incorporated municipalities, but also nearly 90 colonias.

According to an annual budget document released late last year, the district has also recently launched what it calls a “massive meter replacement project,” that includes the installation of smart meter technology.

That move, said the Lower Valley Water District document, “is not only expected to increase our water efficiency, but avail analytical tools improving water distribution services.”

The district has additionally been making a valiant effort in recent years to connect water infrastructure in communities where previously the water was transported in plastic tanks by truck.

​By Garry Boulard

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