Taxiway Construction Project Announced for El Paso Airport

The City of El Paso has issued a Request for Proposals for work on two taxiway projects at the El Paso International Airport.

The work would see the construction of a new taxiway, officially called Taxiway J9, which would be built at the airport’s cargo apron.

A second project centers on the reconstruction of Taxiways J and Taxiways K2.

The work is expected to include demolition, taxiway and shoulder construction, stormwater improvements, and electrical improvements.

The projects will also see the building of associated airfield lighting, grading, and drainage.

Two years ago the El Paso airport was the recipient of a $6.5 million grant from the Federal Aviation Administration’s Airport Improvement Program for the repaving of two taxiways, among other projects.

The airport has recorded an unprecedented increase in business this summer, seeing a more than 200% jump in passenger traffic in just July alone.
The RFP has a submission deadline of October 13.

By Garry Boulard

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